How to make the most of a stressful holiday gathering when you're trying to conceive

How to make the most of a stressful holiday gathering when you're trying to conceive

As much as we love the holiday season, let’s face it – it can be stressful. Especially if you’re trying to conceive.

Cooking, planning, buying, organizing – the pressure mounts as the day draws near. Then, of course, there is that one aunt that asks too many personal questions…

We’ve also been there and you’re not alone!

Here are some helpful tips for handling whatever the holidays has to throw at you — whether it be probing, inappropriate questions, another family member's "surprise" announcement or just the weight of it all... 

  1. Prepare mentally in advance. Imagine which family members may cross boundaries and ask inappropriate questions and how you might respond so you have both armor and ammunition going into these family interactions. You may choose to smile and ignore. You may choose an honest response, "we're struggling to get pregnant and I don't want to discuss this topic again" or you may feel it's best to say something like "You really shouldn't ask questions like that, even of family members, you likely mean well, but you never know who is struggling to get pregnant or has decided not to have a child, and questions like these are personal and not appropriate to ask." Having an answer prepared will reduce the pressure of feeling cornered and/or ease the stress of being blindsided. 
  2. Try to find joy. If another family or friend announces a pregnancy it's natural to feel jealousy or even anger. "Why should they be so lucky, they got pregnant the first time. They don't deserve to be pregnant," or "what's wrong with me if it's so easy for them?" are all possible thoughts that might cross your mind. In that situation, try to find joy if you can for others and don't beat yourself up. It can be helpful to remember, you don't know if others may have been struggling to get pregnant as well, or have silently experienced multiple miscarriages. Even if they didn't struggle, their pregnancy announcement doesn't take away anything from your chances of getting pregnant. So, while being jealous or angry or whatever else you may feel are all very valid feelings and thoughts to have, if you can, try to be joyful and happy for others with happy news, it can help lift your own spirits. (We know this is a tricky one from personal experience.)
  3. Find ways to ease anxiety and relax. Maybe start the day prior to your family gathering with a soothing bath to calm and relax yourself before you arrive. Or spend some minutes in meditation to recenter yourself so you'll approach a possible stress-inducing situation with a clear head. Also, don’t overextend yourself financially to meet someone else’s expectations. Remember, it’s Christmas, your true present is your presence and you should be thankful for other's as well. Additionally, if you have a partner, talk to them. Let them know how you’re feeling and express your anxiety. Chances are, they either feel the same way or they will back you up in a stressful situation. Either way, you’ll walk into the holidays being supported, as a team.

Lastly, you can always enjoy a little Happy Stork to ease your tensions — before, during or afterward.

With our full-spectrum, 100% pure hemp extract, we’re able to harness the benefits of the entire hemp plant. Meaning every tincture includes a range of major and minor cannabinoids, terpenes, vitamins and minerals to maximize potency and ensure you get the most relaxation out of a CBD product. Not only can Happy Stork calm anxiety, but it can help with insulin sensitivity, nausea, fighting inflammation and even help stabilize your mood – all great for maximizing your ability to conceive. (Even if you only end up conceiving of a reason to calmly leave the room).

No matter what life throws at you, you’re strong enough to handle it. If you need a little CBD oil to help you handle it gracefully, well, that’s okay too. Regardless, you’ve got this!